EUAMI - European Values and Migration
Type of action: ERASMUS Lump Sum Grants
Granting authority: European Education and Culture Executive Agency
Ambito disciplinare Macroarea 3
Area scientifica Area 16 - Scienze politiche e sociali
Tipologia finanziamento ERASMUS + (Finanziamenti dell'Unione Europea)
Tipo di progetto Internazionale
Stato progetto Aperto
Ruolo nel progetto Capofila
Responsabilità scientifica Coordinatore
Data avvio: 1 December 2023
Data termine: 30 November 2026
Durata: 36 months
Importo: € 239.872,00
Link: Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova
Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova, My Fermi
Canossa Campus
Zespól Szkól
Coŀlegi Sant Josef Obrer
Sofia University "Emiliyan Stanev" - Veliko Tarnovo
ENAC Ente Nazionale Canossiano
Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova
Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova, My Fermi
Canossa Campus
Zespól Szkól
Coŀlegi Sant Josef Obrer
Sofia University "Emiliyan Stanev" - Veliko Tarnovo
ENAC Ente Nazionale Canossiano
Coordinatore: Prof. Matteo Bassoli
Dott.ssa Benedetta Accordi
Prof.ssa Benedetta Cotta
Prof. Pietro De Perini
Prof.ssa Ekaterina Domorenok
Prof. Paolo Graziano
Prof.ssa Giorgia Nesti
Prof. Andrea Pettrachin
Prof.ssa Laura Polverari
Istituto Superiore E.Fermi (Fermi)
Casa Primaria di Brescia dell'ordine delle Canossiane (Canossa)
Zespół Szkół Administracyjno-Ekonomicznych (ZSAE) - Gdynia-Miasto na Prawach Powiatu
Collegi Sant Josep Obrer (SJO) Fundacion Diocesana Ramon Llull
Sredno Uchilishte Emiliyan Stanev (Stanev)
Ente Nazionle Canossiano (Enac)
EUAMI is a project made up of a network of 7 educational entities composed by SPGI, the coordination of the Canossian School and the participation of 5 high schools from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, and Spain.
The aim of EUAMI, is to allow teachers to engage in curricular and extracurricular activities that allow for their own professional development and the expansion of the European dimension in school syllabus. More precisely, it seeks to ameliorate the understanding among professors and teachers of the functioning and institutions of the European Union, while promoting the implementation and exchange of new teaching methodologies and information between teachers regarding EU matters.
The project identifies migration as a key topic that will mould EU identity in the upcoming years, while challenging the status quo and the internal political dynamics. At the same time the European Union have a very specific perception of migration added value. The EU's approach to migration is guided by the principle of solidarity and fair sharing of responsibility among Member States, as outlined in the European Agenda on Migration.
The project will adopt the trainer-the-trainers approach. This will create a sustainable training program that can be delivered locally, by people who have a deep understanding of the subject matter, and are best placed to deliver the training in the most effective way to students.
The activities under the EUAMI focus on achieving the following main outcomes. Firstly, to ensure that the school staff acquires better methodologies to teach EU matters, secondly, to enable teachers to introduce more EU studies in their syllabus, thirdly, to contribute to the professional development and competitive skills acquisition by teachers, and finally, to guarantee that students receive a better understanding of the EU. EUAMI will also foresee a fully-fledge dissemination package managed by CesUE (subcontractor).
1 To provide training courses for teachers to enhance their professional skills and growth.
2 To equip teachers through workshops on EU knowledge and pedagogical approaches to
teaching the European dimension.
3 To engage teachers and students in discussions and activities related to the EU's aspects,
both in the classroom and outside of it, and assess their perceptions.
4 To foster a stronger network among teachers
5 To develop a sense of belonging to the EU among teachers and students
6 To formulate recommendations for incorporating EU and EU-related topics into high
school curriculums in an effective manner.
Piano delle attività:
1) Kick-off meeting.
2) Online training for teachers managed by SPGI
3) Workshops to include EU topics in the school syllabus.
4) Activities in schools with students on specific EU topics within the broad project topic.
5) Activities with teachers and students on communicating EU with support of CesUE.
6) 1 event with policy-maker in each school (on the topic on which students have worked) organised with the support of CesUE.
7) Summer school (2 editions), including a session with policy-makers organised with the support of CesUE.